That medical industry is constantly on the lookout for new medical equipment technologies which can make administering fluidal drugs easier. In terms of accidental errors throughout hospitals, medicinal mistakes are typically the most common. Since 1992, the FDA has received more than 30, 000 reports of medication errors. To make matters worse, all of these reports are voluntary which means the actual number of medication errors is likely to be significantly higher. In order to reduce errors, the professional medical industry is starting to adapt new medical equipment technologies which make administering fluidal medications easier and safer.
The key to widespread usage of new medical equipment is decreasing costs, saving times, and eliminating errors. New IV drip technologies are proven to be equally cost-effective in the short term and more cost effective over the long run. It offers better long term returns because it allows practitioners to administer fluidal medication faster and safer. More ergonomic, easy-to-use designs help nurses and doctors save time. Plus, easier-to-use medical equipment inherently decreases the likelihood of medication-related errors.